Thursday, 21 February 2008

Devil is a liar

Hi people!!

I don't know if anyone will ever read this blog but my hope is that someone will. So a lil background of this journal.

I am a follower of Christ who is just living by, still a sinner, trying to be more spiritual but still enjoy life partying et al (when i get to do that lol i trip) but i am just human like everyone else.

I decided to use this forum to aire my frustration/anger whenever I feel down.

This is typically a journal of my journey to success and every substantial milestone i cross in life will be journaled.


chichi said...

welcome to blogsville-dunno wot dat means but i read that all the time!!

Labella said...

Hi!!! seems like we started our blogs around the same time. cool!!!
well you have 1 regular reader, i am bookmarking your page right now

Yankeenaijababe said...

Hello and welcome to the small world of bloggers. Story sound good by the way.

Godisalive said...

tx everyone for stopping by

littleangel4christ said...

That's good. U hving the courage to start takes a great deal. Keep it up!